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What´s YOUR learning style?

Like anything else, when you learn to drive, you will advance faster if taught in a way that best suits your learning style.

Whatever type of learner you are, your lessons will be adapted to suit. Tick what you feel are the appropriate responses to the scenarios below to find out what style of learning best suits you.

You've just brought a brand new TV, how would you set it up? You've just brought a brand new TV, how would you set it up?
Get the TV manual out and read the instructions
Ask a friend round and get them to tell you what to do
Ask a friend round and watch what they do
Just play around with the remote control and see what happens

Someone stops you at a petrol station lost and asks for directions, they need to get to the local hospital, you would? Someone stops you at a petrol station lost and asks for directions, they need to get to the local hospital, you would?
Get in your car and say 'follow me'
Give them verbal directions
Write out a list of directions
Draw them a diagram of where to go

You go out to a local pub for a family meal; you decide what to eat by? You go out to a local pub for a family meal; you decide what to eat by?
Reading the menu and decide by the food description
Look at what other people are eating and decide from there
Go with what you've had before
Ask the waiter / waitress what's popular at the moment

You go to your local library to get a book, you decide what to pick by? You go to your local library to get a book, you decide what to pick by?
You ask the librarian what's popular at moment and go with that
You read the inside / back cover to see if you think it will be to your liking
What the cover looks like
You know what you like and go with that

You want to learn to play a new sport; you ask your trainer to? You want to learn to play a new sport; you ask your trainer to?
Give me a book to learn from
Tell me what to do
I think I know what to do, leave me to it
Show me what I should do

You need a new laptop, apart from price what else would influence your decision to buy? You need a new laptop, apart from price what else would influence your decision to buy?
Go by the look of the laptop
What you have read about the laptop
You ask the sales person on a recommendation
You go by what the laptop can do

You go to see your doctor as you have a problem, you would like them to? You go to see your doctor as you have a problem, you would like them to?
Listen to what the doctor says
Give you a leaflet on the matter
Go away with the information and do some research on it
Show you a diagram of the problem

You need to bake a cake, you ask a friend for advise, do you? You need to bake a cake, you ask a friend for advise, do you?
Your friend tells over the phone how to do it
Get that friend to show you how
Go it alone
Get the friend to write the instructions down

It's your friend's birthday and you want to get them a gift? It's your friend's birthday and you want to get them a gift?
Get them to write a list and choose one item
Make a gift yourself to give them
Get them to show you what they want
Do you subtly quiz them for an idea

You need to refuel your car for the first time, do you? You need to refuel your car for the first time, do you?
Ask a friend to come along and tell you what to do
Just go and do it yourself
Read up on the internet on how to do it
Ask a friend to come along and show you what to do

You've just moved into your new home and want to redecorate your bedroom, do you use a colour? You've just moved into your new home and want to redecorate your bedroom, do you use a colour?
get ideas from a paint chart
Listen to a friend's choice
Mix your own colour up
Look in a magazine for inspiration

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